The house is approached via a smart front garden, The front door opens in to a wide entrance hall with a tiled floor, there is a low cupboard on the right housing the gas meter and storage under the stairs. A door on the left leads in to a double reception room. To the front there is a double glazed window, the chimney breast is still in situ with dwarf cabinets with display shelving either side, to the rear the fireplace is still in situ also with dwarf cabinets either side, there are French doors leading out to the garden.
The kitchen offers a good range of Shaker, white, high gloss wall and base units, topped with a quartz effect work surface. Integrated appliances include a 5 ring gas hob, extractor fan, washing machine and an under counter fridge, there is a door that leads out to the garden.
Carpeted stairs lead up to the first floor, on the landing is a hatch providing loft access and an airing cupboard. To the rear is the family bathroom with tiled floor and part tiled walls, bath with wall mounted shower, hand held shower attachment and shower screen, Wash bashin with storage below and a W.C. Two windows provide light and ventilation.
Also to the rear is a good sized double bedroom with double glazed window to the rear overlooking the garden and plenty of space for free standing storage.
To the front is generous double bedroom with double glazed window to the front, fitted cupboard providing hanging space and plenty of space for fee standing storage. Finally there is a smaller double bedroom often used as a nursery or office.